Page name: The Index Chatterbox [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-05 11:06:28
Last author: kittykittykitty
Owner: eyes of frost
# of watchers: 18
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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2006-07-05 [kittykittykitty]: Yarrr! :D

2006-07-19 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: [wheelsy]luvs me and kept me from killing myself!

2006-07-28 [FireGypsy]: Chatter!!!

2006-07-29 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: chatter chatter

2006-08-05 [Monster Master]:


Hi everybodies?

2006-08-06 [AnnMarie08]: chat

2006-08-06 [Mataza_71191]: ????

2006-08-07 [zoloftzantac]: blah blah blah! blah blah tele blah :p

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: bluh.... blooooo... blop :3

2006-08-07 [Monster Master]: beep... beeeeep. :3

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: mreeowwwr >^_^<

2006-08-07 [Monster Master]: baaarrrk! :o

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: *pets the doggy* :3

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: .
       /\  /\       baa? (yes, it's supposed to be a sheep) o_O

2006-08-07 [Monster Master]: HOW CUTE! lol!

o() ()  *the cute rabbit stares at [kittykittykitty]*

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: Aww such a cutey ^_^

2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: bunnah lovin! (don't ask what the '=' stands for)
   (\ (\
   (^.^)        (\ /)
   /   |    o__(x.x)
o(    )=  (         ) 
  L  L     OO O O

2006-08-07 [Monster Master]: 0_____________________0 OMG!! The bunneh is bein' rahped!

2006-08-08 [zoloftzantac]: wow, that is best ascii art I have ever seen!

2006-08-09 [Monster Master]: 0_0 *laughs nervously* it was all [kittykittykitty]'s fault! =P

2006-08-10 [zoloftzantac]: yay kitty! <3

2006-08-11 [kittykittykitty]: Yar it's even better than the naked woman ASCII XD But it took too long to get enough spaces in the right place :P

2006-08-11 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol, it rocks! hehe

2006-08-12 [Monster Master]: the naked woman ASCII is gay. <_<
I don't like it... >_> Everytime i see it, 7 strands of hair fall out of my head....
I've seen it... 15 times... that's....... *counts*........ 105 HAIRS!

2006-08-13 [zoloftzantac]: Well, I think it is a great work of art, but I am sick of seeing talentless people cut and paste it all over the damn place...

2006-08-14 [kittykittykitty]: ...and make spelling mistakes on it, and miss out lines or line breaks. That's when it gets really crappy :(

2006-09-08 [Shadow of a woman]: what the hell is this shit all about?

2006-09-14 [zoloftzantac]: We are trying to heard all of the freaks into one little wiki where you can run and play and annoy no one but yourselves :D (oh, did I say "you"? I meant to say "them" >.>)

2006-09-14 [kittykittykitty]: Yay! Freak herding :D Lemme plaaaay!

2006-09-15 [eyes of frost]: Wow...I see conversation...

2006-09-15 [Shadow of a woman]: oh, ok maybe I should join if its ok with whoever the boss is

2006-09-16 [kittykittykitty]: Nobody joins officially, it's just random chat :P

2006-09-16 [Shadow of a woman]: oooooooooooooooooooooooh

2006-09-18 [zoloftzantac]: heh, that was the original idea for the freak parade ;)

2006-09-24 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: <0o>
('') haha it's a cow

2006-09-24 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: oops.
('') now it is is fixed!cow!

2006-09-24 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: ok.

<(. .);>

2006-09-24 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: ok.

2006-09-24 [Just Another Mindless Soul]: i'm mad.

2006-09-25 [Shadow of a woman]: OH, well Yasmin's Cafe is up and running so pop by anytime and have a look, at night it turns into a club, so you know. lmao love yasmin xx

2006-09-30 [emo-tional]: BOO

2006-09-30 [Shadow of a woman]: Bogeys

2006-10-05 [AnsZigZaG]: Someone talk to meh..

2006-10-28 [hottchick_2009]: hello anyone wanna chat with me im new on here

2006-11-07 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ...>.>.........<.<.........o.o....... *jumps out of nowhere and strums his guitar* XD

2006-11-07 [zoloftzantac]: hi [hottchick_2009], Welcome to Elfpack. We can't tell how interesting you are right now ;) please add some more stuff to your house. A self photo, drawing you drew or poem you wrote would be cool. :)

2006-11-22 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: Aye uh.....O.o?

2006-12-03 [Blinded Seraphim]: Please support my new rp wiki, Drake wars

2006-12-25 [zoloftzantac]: [Caution! This wiki will turn your brains to mush!]

2006-12-26 [Blinded Seraphim]: nuh uh! That isnt umm...ummm...what was i saying?

2007-01-03 [redo11]: anyone wanna cyber

2007-01-03 [zoloftzantac]: no thanks ...

2007-01-07 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: woooow
we hav our own special place where they can obsurve us and inject us with stimlulents

2007-01-08 [zoloftzantac]: *shoots [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪] with a stimlulent loaded tranquilizer dart and watches*

2007-01-08 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: how dare u shoot me with ur poison

2007-01-09 [zoloftzantac]: how? it was really easy actually, maybe I should try experimenting on the prisoners with a blow gun or something to make it more of a challange

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Sits in a corner counting shiny objects*

2007-01-09 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: goes and joins [Blinded Seraphim]-nice name by the way

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: thank you :)

2007-01-09 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: why count shiny objects

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: boredom...

2007-01-09 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: nice
check outkrazy kid!! u can't luv him

2007-02-18 [angel of happiness]: how do you put warning sign about someone house, to let them know about something.(heart of copper

2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: [angel of happiness]: Are you talking about the Elfpack SS comments you see at the top of some houses? Only Guards can put those messages up there. You can leave a comment on the Guards wiki page saying why you need one.
(or you can try to sweet talk me into giving one ;)

2007-02-18 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: are u doing something to me

2007-02-20 [zoloftzantac]: No, should I?

2007-02-20 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: nope i thought i had done something wrong but i would kno anything of wot u said before

2007-05-24 [Jaaakeeee.]: how is everybody here?

2007-05-24 [Jaaakeeee.]: omg this whole thing freakin sucks!
if anyone wants to be my friend,
send me a friend request

2007-08-01 [wheelsy]: Do my poll!

2007-08-15 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: ok ta
ok than

2007-08-15 [sumudude]: cyber sex

2007-08-19 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: who is that 2

2007-09-04 [DarkAngel7]: Finally a place to just chatter.
I'm new in Elfpack.
Please check out my page.

2007-09-10 [DarkAngel7]: message me if you want to become friends.

2007-09-23 [zoloftzantac]: *stops watching this page*

2007-10-06 [cupeecake.]: i put up new pictures!!тιaиaღ.ιs.яawя

2007-10-08 [trouble_293]: u all here?

2007-11-06 [GlassCasket]: *uselessly chatters*

2007-11-06 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: *lol*
-laughs along 4 no apparant reason-

2008-01-04 [History, Elf Fuckers.]: xfdlkjfgklndflkn!

2008-01-05 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol
ok than
*giggles hysterically*

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: cheese and thats all i may say

2008-01-08 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol
ok than

2008-01-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: hiya

2008-01-10 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: hayz there
you ok?

2008-01-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: heyz..whats up

2008-01-12 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: not much really
and u?

2008-01-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: same here

2008-01-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: there really is hardly anything to do

2008-01-19 [GlassCasket]: GWAH!!!!

2008-01-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: moo!

2008-01-30 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol

2008-01-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: GWAH...reminds me strangely of GWAR

2008-01-31 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: GWAH urself!
^_^ ---> LOL

2008-02-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so whats up!

2008-02-01 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: nm really

2008-02-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea same here
its cold though..really cold

2008-02-04 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: same here actually

2008-02-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: now there is rain
today will be a good day

2008-02-05 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: its on and off today

2008-02-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i knows

2008-02-08 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: well sorry!

2008-02-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: sorry? for what?

2008-02-08 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: i don't know!

2008-02-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: neither do i! that will haunt me

2008-02-08 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol

2008-02-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: maho!

2008-02-12 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol

2008-02-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes!

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: smiley face!

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i love the little computer faces u can make with ur mouse...they are so cute

so are u having a good valentines day?

2008-02-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol
yea it going alrite!

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: horrible
but then again...i really dont like valentines day

2008-02-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: awww poor you
so u don't hav a valentine?

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its not that...but valentines anymore has been taken over by corporate america....only trying to make a quick buck

2008-02-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: oh i see
well i don't live in america

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: lucky you

2008-02-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: oh cheers

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: where do live?

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: cool

2008-02-14 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol
i guess

2008-02-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i would love to live in england..or japan..either is nice

2008-05-08 [tenten]: hi<img:mood-gif.gif>

2008-05-08 [tenten]: i love everyone<img:lo-gif.gif>

2008-05-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: hi to u too

2008-05-09 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: i love u 2
x x x x

2008-05-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: we all do

2008-05-11 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: HELL YEA

2008-05-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: whoo

2008-05-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -pounces-

2008-05-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -smiles-

2008-05-22 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: *smiles back*

2008-05-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -huggles-

2008-05-22 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: *hug back*

2008-05-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: :)

2008-05-25 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: how is everyone?

2008-06-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: great!

2008-06-02 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: YAY!!!!

2008-06-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: -does teh robot-

2008-06-12 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: LOL
*joins in*

2008-06-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yay!

2008-06-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: :)

2008-07-16 [Zenolia Rose]: Hey can you people do me a favor?

2008-07-20 [Zenolia Rose]: Never mind...

2008-07-21 [Zenolia Rose]: Thanks though

2008-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: alright

2008-07-22 [Zenolia Rose]: How is every one?

2008-07-25 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: gd thnks


2008-07-25 [Zenolia Rose]: Im good. Tired.

2008-07-25 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: aww bless

2008-07-25 [Zenolia Rose]: -looks around-

2008-07-26 [Zenolia Rose]: Where is everyone? -_-

2008-07-26 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: i'm here

2008-07-26 [Zenolia Rose]: I know. Thats good, ^_^

2008-07-26 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: ^.^

2008-07-26 [Zenolia Rose]: *smiles*

2008-07-28 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: *smiles bck*

2008-07-28 [Zenolia Rose]: so, what up?

2008-07-28 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: umm
not alot really
just chillin in my room


2008-08-01 [amanda.lethal:)]: im bored

2008-08-01 [Zenolia Rose]: Not to much, Im just chillin.

2008-08-01 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: :D

kk sounds fun

2008-08-01 [amanda.lethal:)]: so whats the whole point of this thing if no one talks

2008-08-01 [Zenolia Rose]: i dont know. thats why I go on bored?
Its more fun

2008-08-02 [♪♪ YoUr FaVoUrEtE nObOdY ♪♪]: lol

i don't really know wot this is for either tbh

and i've been talking on it for about a year now
: /

2008-08-03 [Zenolia Rose]: lol, thats crazy. lol. Its kinda addicting when you start to talk on bored?. Its really fun. lots of peoples talk for like hours on it. lol

2008-08-04 [Rasockie45]: Wut happened to the new message box its gone!

2008-08-04 [Zenolia Rose]: i have no idea.

2008-08-04 [Rasockie45]: they need to put it back up so tht way instead of waiting for people to reply or clicking mail inbox to get to the messages u can just clcik no new messages.

2008-08-04 [Zenolia Rose]: Right...

2008-08-05 [Rasockie45]: i swear, the old version was better then this CHANGE IT BACK

2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: YES!I AGREE! CHANGE.....IT.......BACK!!!!

2008-08-05 [Rasockie45]: or at least, put the no new message box back at least....

2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: that too.

2008-08-05 [Rasockie45]: cause if they did tht then it be fine, but atm with tht box gone this thing is GAY

2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: I agree.


2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: Fo sho! LISTEN TO HER!!!!

2008-08-05 [Rasockie45]: besides they lost me partly anywho im on this other website fake, n they need to put there box back on too.......but they wont listen u have to messgae them directly!

2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: i dont like Fake. Its kinda weird. lol

2008-08-05 [Rasockie45]: why its for cybering, tho..its fun fucken with the guys on there

2008-08-05 [Zenolia Rose]: Yea, thats my passion. Fucking with people. Not literally, i ment as in messing with there heads.

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